Sometimes in the most random times we are
reminded that God loves us. Like when all we want is a breakfast burrito and
everywhere we go doesn't have the one we love. (Okay back story, I was running
on 2 hours of sleep after helping a family in the hospital with the loss of a
Well, I was taking my daughter to dance
class and really all I wanted was a breakfast burrito, the ones my brothers
would bring home when they lived with me. After driving all over town I had
given up and went to make the 20-minute commute to dance class when I had a
distinct nudge to turn right. So, I did and low and behold going a new way to
dance I passed a place with a DRIVE THRU with breakfast burritos!
In that moment it just hit me GOD EVEN
Okay, so maybe that is silly, but it got
me thinking. How many times a day could we find evidence of God's love for us
and others? Really how many? Right now close your eyes and think for just a
second and see what comes to mind...
That day I sat and talked to a good friend
and was reminded of the blessing of earthly angels that help us and love us
through this journey we are on. I watched my child, who was never supposed to
walk, let alone dance, dance her little heart out. I got to talk to a role
model and mentor, who filled my soul with joy. I went to dinner with a neighbor
and friend for her birthday. I got a hug from the Relief Society President and
a text from someone telling me I was awesome. In that day I looked around and
thought WOW God really does care, even about breakfast burritos and me. And
especially you.
He loves us, he gave us not just any
savior, but His only begotten Son. He gave us a path back to Him and to our
loved ones. My mind is blown thinking of all the ways our Heavenly Father, our
God loves and cares about us. Not just the big things, but the little things.
The smile we get at the grocery store, the compliment we get at the park, the
hug we get from a child and so much more.
May we be aware of the love that surrounds
us, even in the darkest of times, the hardest of times that love is still
there. I had the privilege of going to Time Out for Women put on by Deseret
Book. It was awesome and while there heard from many amazing humans. But
talking about this subject I think about something Michael McLean talked about.
He was talking about a hard time he was having, a faith crisis of the sort and
when that LONG faith crisis came to a close he went back and read in his
journal and counted 30 times he could see that God was trying to talk to him,
show him love and guidance. He didn't see those things in the midst, but they
were still there. And they are still there for you. I know that God loves
us, I know that He cares about the little things and the big. He even cares
about breakfast burritos.