As I sit pondering this beautiful season and the beautiful spirit that comes with it I feel joy. Christmas is a season of joy, if we only remembered that the birth of Christ was remarkable and for each of us. When I think of how grateful I am of the birth of my Savior I think of a verse of Hark! The Herald Angel Sings:
Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
Ris'n with healing in his wings.
Mild he lays his glory by,
Born that man no more may die
Our Savior came to give us peace, He is righteousness and light and brings that to each of us, if we but let it in. He brings healing and glory that is unimaginable to our mere mortal understanding. And the line that gets to me each time is "BORN THAT MAN NO MORE MAY DIE" What a indescribable blessing.
Music during Christmas brings the spirit into my life and I love it. This years I have pondered the words and the meaning of the song Little Drummer Boy a lot. (I have posted a music video below this post) Here are the lyrics with the pa rum pum pum's out. :)
Come they told me
A new born King to see
Our finest gifts we bring
To lay before the king
So to honor Him
When we come
Little baby
I am a poor boy too
I have no gift to bring
That's fit to give our King
Shall I play for you
Mary nodded
The ox and lamb kept time
I played my drum for Him
I played my best for Him
Then He smiled at me
Me and my drum
Come they told me
A new born king to see
Me and my drum
Me and my drum...
When I read these words tears come to my eyes, for the emotions are overwhelming. This song to me is more than a song sung by Neil Diamond (that's for you mom and dad). I see myself in the place of this little boy. I am the child that hears of the birth of a king, of a savior and as the world around me rushes to give him the finest things they can find I am but a child and what I have to give is my talents, my love, my heart, my best. And that is all. At first is seems as if that it could not even be close to enough, but then His mother approves and a smile I receive. What I give is pure and is enough. What we give is ENOUGH my friends, if it is pure, our best and from our heart. We are not expected to do, make or be something we are not able. What our Savior wants is for us to share our love, share our heart and do good to all men.
Merry Christmas and know that the birth of that little babe was for you! His birth is the reason we can have healing in our lives, have our families forever and be with our Heavenly Father again. Love you all!
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